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Social Media Live Streaming

Live Streaming is the broadcasting of real-time live video to an audience over the internet. All you need to be able to live stream is an internet enabled device (like smartphone or tablet) and platform to broadcast on. A social media stream has the potential to reach anyone in the world. Social media is now predominating, leveraging it is more important than ever.Live streaming has been one of the trends of the last few years in Social Media. There are many social media platforms that allow live streaming. Each of these is opportunities to engage your fan base directly as well as ad them as active participants in your live stream project. Let’s see the examples of methods of bringing Social media into your event.

Displaying Twitter feeds on your live stream

One of the most exciting parts of live streaming is the “Event”. An event is the instant acknowledgment of the spectator. The event can’t be completed without on-screen Twitter feeds. When the host or guest engages with the spectator by addressing their tweets, questions or statements with an audible live comment; the momentum of live tweets escalate exponentially. When they started giving the response to each tweet on air, they realize more and more fans are engaging instantly. Our twitter streaming equipment allows the “Live Twitter operator” (LTO) to moderate every incoming Tweet. Nothing ends up on screen until your chosen social media director approves the tweet.

Instant Video Clips for Press Releases & YouTube

There are so many outlets for the spectator to spend their expendable time, so there is really a very short window in which we can grab their attention and engage them with new exciting information. Those days are gone, that social media manager would need to wait until hours after the live event to start posting the clips. As the team at Absolute Live Productions has perfected a system of pulling the hottest clips and the best moments and prepare them for the social media posting only seconds after they were streamed live. Your YouTube or Instagram post will be as real-time as the event is live. Your PR firm can get started on its Press Releases hours before the end of their show.

Skype in Celebrities, Fans & Experts

With our fleet, you will never be without an appropriate guest again. If your guest has internet we can create a professional two-way communication that will rival anything on professional television. Now your guests can watch your entire broadcast through their own Skype computer and then easily begin their own contribution when their own on screen tally light glows red. Our producer’s audio side chain allows private direct communication to the guest. In the rare event that the guest’s internet falls below the required bandwidth during the live stream, the Newtek Talk show automatically switches the guest’s image to a pre-ranged still image, allowing the audio to continue seamlessly. Now your producers or guests don’t have to worry about that odd and embarrassing Skype freeze image. With Prime Production Team, the possibilities are endless.

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